How are ya?

Saturday, July 10, 2010


On June 30th, 2010 at Central Hall a new Republican town committee was established to represent the town of Dover-Foxcroft. The committee elected Bil Weidner as Chair and Leilani Stites as Secretary/Treasurer for the new Dover-Foxcroft Republican Committee (DFRC).

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday July 21st, 7pm at the new Piscataquis County Headquarters located at 11A North St. (downtown accross from Edwards Shop-N-Save) in the old Uniforms Plus location. Meetings will continue to be held monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at this location until further notice.

The agenda for this upcomming meeting will include:
1. Voting in the new By-Laws and procedures
2. Approval of an announcement/fundraising letter
3. Setting priorities and goals for the next few months leading up to November.
4. Election of a Vice Chair and potentially other officers of our executive committee.

If you are interested in supporting the Republican Party in any way or form and would like to join us the 21st we would love to see you!

Please feel free to phone or text me at any time on my mobile at 944-1913.

Conservatively Yours,
Bil Weidner

Blog created!

Like it or not, we have a two-party system. Yes there are independent candidates and greens and libertarians...but they represent a very small minority of voters. By an overwhelming majority, most voters associate themselves with either the Republican or the Democrat Party. Currently the differences between parties is easy to understand: Republicans support efforts to reduce the size of the public sector (the government) as well as efforts to improve the climate for the private sector (businesses and their employees and anyone who doesn't collect a government funded paycheck) through less regulation. The Democrat believes that the government should continue to grow and regulate more and more taking over many things that the private sector could do. It has become more and more like a dictatorship and and in addition we are being pushed towards a socialist system. This is the new Democrat Party and it is a real good reason to join and support the Republican Party.